Monday, 28 October 2013

TWC Session 10 (Week 11)

Figure 1. Snapshot of Civilization V, a type of government simulation game
Reproduced from 2KGAMES International. (n.d.)

Brief Overview/Summary

Last formal lesson of TWC, we are covering on the topic Technology Forecasting & Assessment. Prof mentioned that openness- being open to perspective is always a double edged sword, the good thing is that you are a rising star while being open, but the bad thing is that other people might also copy your idea. 

The difference between Assessment of Technology and Forecasting of Technology is that, assessment of technology is a term used to described assessing of current situation and current technologies on what can be improved, while technology forecasting is saying where are all these improved technologies going to take us and how do they change the world.

So why do we need to assess and forecast? So these are Some of major drivers for Technology Assessment & Forecasting discussed,
1. Exponential growth in the range of new technologies with potential world changing significance
2. The need to gain an understanding of what kinds of changes a new technology innovation might bring - in economic, social, ethical/legal, environment and other terms
3. The need to prioritize in deciding whether and when to invest in research and development of new innovations and technologies
4. The need to prioritize, given limited resources, on whether and when to implement and use new innovations and technologies - especially important in developing countries.

Then we covered on some methods of foresight studies.They are but not exhaustive,

Backcasting, which means starting from the future then work backwards. The Delphi Approach and Simulation.

After that, we went through the individual oral presentation and I was the last person in the last lesson to present.

Interesting Observations and Ideas

Three ideas that really caught my attention, they are,

  • Benjamin Franklin quoted, "Look before, or you'll find yourself behind". So, if you do not want to move forward, do not want to think ahead but still thinking of the past, you will be left behind.
  • Surprising that simulation and gaming is rarely used for foresight studies. Because simulation or virtual reality can ideally replicate different scenarios and possibilities and from there we can evaluate what are the best for us.
  • Delphi method of forecasting, after research the delphi method is a systematic and interactive forecasting method which relies on a panel of identified experts in their leading areas. For example, a few countries are identified because they are leading players in renewable energy. Then, the experts will answer questions for a few rounds. After each round, the facilitator will provide them a summary of their forecasts from previous rounds with their supporting reasons, therefore this encourages the experts to revise their earlier answers with the replies of other experts in the panel. It is believe that the range of the answers will decrease in this process and the group will reach a conclusion ("a correct answer"). The process is stopped after a pre-defined stop gauge (e.g. stopping at a certain number of rounds, achievement of consensus or stability of results), finally the mean or median scores of the final rounds determine the results. (Wikipedia, n.d.)

Key Take Away Points

Technology assessment and forecasting is important, we should always be forward
thinking(be like a rising star) to continue living and adapt to the future and we
should ask why not instead of why. For example, a hand is not just a hand, but what if I
move my hands up and down, and it can scroll the screen on the computer, switch
channels on television etc.

Issues for Further Discussion

Personal Ratings for Session

I rate this session 10/10, because this session provides an insight into how technology is forecasted and what are the drivers that emphasizes the importance of technology assessment & forecasting.

Monday, 21 October 2013

TWC Session 9 (Week 10)

Figure 1. Google Glass, an application of Augmented Reality
Reproduced from CNN. (2013, 3 June)

Brief Overview/Summary

Today we discussed on the topic Emerging and Future Technologies. We began the class with a quote from George Bernard Shaw and part of the reason for this module,it is to open up our perspectives from asking "why not?" whereby you look into the future instead of asking only "why?" in present state.  Next with the introduction to emerging technologies such as claytronics and plastic electronics-flexible plastic displays that are durable and cheap, replacing the use of heavy glass. 

We then discussed what are the drivers that bring about the development of emerging and future technologies. They are, 
  • Market-driven research and development
    • by which market opportunity and need which are not met 
  • Technology-driven research and development
    • Growing body of scientific knowledge make new technologies that were unlikely to happen 10 years ago, are increasingly possible to happen.
  • New insights and discoveries often lead to previously unimagined needs
  • Supply could create demand
    • People don’t realize they need it until they experience it 
    • Examples, iPhone, 3-D printing and Walkman
  • Mass media and advertising (Technologies that appear in movies, comics-> Iron-man)
    • Changes the perceptions of need
    • Peer pressure
  • Confluence of the 4 'Smarts'
    • Smart people
    • Smart ideas
    • Smart money
      • Money that is available to invest in the very early stage of technology. Because usually people invest money after the technology is successful, so if you manage to identify the new technology is going to have a future, then you invest that small amount of money (smart money).
      • Smart money is the most important factor that turns dream to reality.
    • Smart alliances and partnerships
Then we discussed on some of the interesting emerging technologies,

  • Biotechnologies
  • Robotics
  • Nanotechnologies
  • Surveillance Technologies
  • Biometric Technologies (Fingerprint recognition)
  • Fuel cells and other new energy Technologies
  • Artificial intelligence systems
  • GRID computing (example, Cloud Computing) and new networking Technologies
  • Computer-based simulation Technologies
  • Knowledge management Technologies
But without innovation, all this technology will remain as a concept and not making a difference to the people (not being commercialized to the people).

Ending off with the discussion on readings and oral presentations from our peers.

Interesting Observations and Ideas

  • “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”-Albert Einstein. I totally agree to this quote, because without imagination even with tons of knowledge, you don't know where to apply them and without imagination, you will not discover more knowledge.
    • Rising Star Mindset-> Being imaginative, opening up to new perspectives
  • "Innovation distinguishes the leader from the follower"-Steve Jobs. This is so very true, because without innovation, everyone will be following the same technology and not being innovative (original ideas that are new and able to break into the market) which will not making a difference to the people or specifically not meeting the needs of the people. Hence, we can see companies like Apple, application of its new technologies that meet the needs of people or creating an entirely new market need.

Key Take Away Points

  • If you can imagine a new technology, you can make it happen. Combining with innovation, your technology will be able to break into the market. As innovation is a process which you apply(market) the new and effective technologies to meet the needs of the people(market needs).

Issues for Further Discussion

Are all these new technologies going to do more harm than good? For this case, on a short term, new technologies can help improve life, but at the expense of this, what about the physical and mental health in the long run? Are we going to become lazy and obese? Whether the technologies will be evolutionary or a disruptive change.

Personal Ratings for Session

I rate this session 9/10, because it provides with us the exciting new technologies that are up and coming, but it lacks the discussion on general implications of introducing new technologies.

Friday, 18 October 2013

TWC Session 8 (Week 9)

Figure 1. Off-shore Wind Turbines
Reproduced from Emerald Freight. (29 November, 2011)

Brief Overview/Summary

Back from recess week!!! Our focus today is on the topic, Energy & World Change : Past, Present & Future. We focus on his because the next big industrial revolution will be a shift from tapping on unsustainable fossil fuels to a renewable and sustainable clean and green energy. Through a video we learnt that, we must start to renew, otherwise we will be in a deep trouble as we cannot solely depend on fossil fuels. Renewing ourselves,  such as beginning to change our habits to taking more public transports; research and tapping on new technologies such as an idea of harnessing the heat from the sun to run water heaters.
Then, we discussed on the drivers or catalysts of global energy change and key considerations for energy change. We also touch on statistics of the global primary energy consumption, the renewable energy the world is currently using. Research also shows that Sun produces most energy to the earth, therefore Sun could be a potential renewable and sustainable energy. This is also supported with another research on photovoltaic (a type of technology which harnesses solar energy) being the highest energy to be generated per square km of land.
Videos also shown that EU is the biggest player in renewable energy covering 20% of total energy demand.
Lastly, to invest for the future, we delved into a scenario whether it is possible to achieve 100% renewable energy in 2050. To do so we should emphasise on the link between energy, environment and policies to facilitate a green economy.
We also see that Singapore is not very conservative in the energy sustainability country index and index rankings.
Finally, 6 readings were also discussed related to this topic before the start of the individual presentations.

Interesting Observation and Ideas

Regarding, Sam's presentation on a new approach of changing the toilet bowl and harvesting human waste to be used as a renewable energy. Personally, I think it is a very simple and practical idea and it is a cost effective and convenient approach for Singapore, because there are many high rise buildings and shopping centres. Ultimately, I think this idea can drive the country to begin using renewable energy and achieving a status of 100% self sustainable on energy. I think this is possible if you compare it with the New Water case, whereby Singapore wants a to be independent with self sustainable source of water, instead of depending on other countries.

Key Takeaways

From this session, I learnt that from the intense use of limited fossil fuels for economic development, we see the consequence of our energy security being threaten and hence there is an importance to switch to renewable energy as it is clean and sustainable, and to be able to bring about this revolution, I personally believe, this should be a multi-prong approach, beginning from us (showing that we want a change through research and emphasis on renewable energy) then finally till the authorities where they can have a reason to enforce certain policies.

Issues for Further Discussion

Personal Rating

I rate this session 10/10 as the lesson is very informative and helpful towards our group project and the presenters provided engaging topics to be discussed.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Individual Topic Review Paper Draft

“Super Rice”: The Future of Our Staple Food? [1]

Zhuang Lingzhen (, 1st Year student, Bachelor of Science (Economics), Singapore Management University

Executive Summary

History has proved the importance of agriculture on the human race 15,000 years ago. The transition, from hunter-gatherer society to agricultural society in the Fertile Crescent, has changed the face of the Earth. If not for agriculture, the world will not be revolutionized to what it is today, where the human population are ever rising and therefore leading to advancement in technologies because there will be surpluses supported in different specialized sectors, this is shown from the past that agriculture had brought about the development and use of advance technologies in their time to improve and move forward as a civilization. The bottom-line, if the world does not have enough food, we are going to slow down and eventually collapse.

Therefore, this paper, first analyzes the history of agriculture and rice and importance of agriculture and rice. Next, the current situation the world is in which includes the problems that arise from the technologies that spurred the Green Revolution and the need for sustainable agriculture by adopting hybrid rice technology. Problems from the environment that affects food security and health issues are to be discussed. These problems might be the drivers for hybrid rice technology. This paper finally discuss the future of hybrid rice technology with the emergence of a new “Green Super Rice” strain, that might replace the future of our staple food.

1. Introduction

As world population is expected to rise from the estimated 7 billion, current UN projections show a continued increase in population in the near future, with the population expected to reach between 8.3 and 10.9 billion by 2050.  There is a growing concern on the sustainability of further world population growth, highlighting the pressing issues like shortage of global food supplies.

Importance of Rice

Rice is a staple food for more than half of the global population, providing 20% of the world’s dietary energy supplies, while wheat and maize supplies 19% and 5% respectively. It is the major dietary energy source for 17 countries in Asia and the Pacific, 9 countries in North and South America and 8 countries in Africa.

Food security, which is the condition of having enough food to provide adequate nutrition for a healthy life, is a critical issue in the developing world, as rice is loss in developing nation because of post-harvest problems. Problems like environment, pest infestation and health. Not only do these losses reduce food security in the world, the study claims that farmers in developing countries such as China, India and others lose approximately US$89 billion of income in preventable post-harvest farm losses, poor transport, the lack of proper storage and retail. One study claims that if these post-harvest grain losses could be eliminated with better infrastructure and retail network, in India alone enough food would be saved every year to feed 70 to 100 million people over a year.

And in recent years, various organizations are looking into sustainable agriculture specifically in this paper on sustainable rice production to alleviate these problems and they are clear that this is the way forward. The use of hybrid rice technology is focused but currently it has limitations. So we look into the emerging technologies of better hybrid rice for being the
future of sustainable rice. Therefore, it is clear that there will be an revolutionary change in rice production in the near future.

Therefore, this ties in to the topic – “Super Rice”: The Future of Our Staple Food Source?

Sustainable Agriculture

It is defined as production of food, fiber, or other plant or animal products using farming techniques that protect the environment, public health, human communities, and animal welfare.  This form of agriculture enables us to produce healthful food without compromising future generations' ability to do the same.

Hybrid Rice
Hybrid rice is any genealogy of rice produced by crossbreeding different kinds of rice. As with other types of hybrids, hybrid rice typically displays heterosis also known as hybrid vigor such that when it is grown under the same conditions as comparable high-yielding inbred rice varieties it can produce up to 30% more rice. High-yield crops, like hybrid rice, are one of the most important tools for combating issues on food security globally.

2. Historical Perspectives

History of Agriculture & Rice

From the extracts of Guns, Germs & Steel, agriculture took place from 15 000 years ago, where crops domestication then animal domestication were first discovered from the Fertile Crescent which is in the region of modern Middle-East. And climate change in the region caused the people to migrate and eventually spread the way of crops cultivation to Europe, and slowly we see a rise in European power and human population and revolutionary technologies. Because agriculture brought about surpluses to population, which will be working in their specialized sectors, hence there will be advance in technologies, leading to power and rise of civilizations and eventually into a world today. Genetic evidence has shown that rice originates from a single domestication 8,200–13,500 years ago, in the Pearl Valley region of China.

History of Hybrid Rice

China's Professor Yuan Long Ping is touted as the “Father of Hybrid Rice”. In the 1960s and '70s his work led to the development of rice with genetically inherited male sterility. This meant that self-pollination was stopped in this rice, allowing it to be pollinated by a different parent, which facilitated cross-pollination. This technique is now widely used by rice breeders around the world to develop hybrid rice.

In 1974, the first three hybrid rice varieties were released in China, and by 1976 large-scale commercialization of hybrid rice was established.  
Although the first generation of hybrid rice varieties released had higher yields, they also tended to have inferior grain quality and inadequate disease and insect resistance. Rice scientists have since overcome these problems and the current generation of hybrid rice has excellent grain quality and better resistance to pests and diseases – equivalent to or better than their inbred counterparts.


From the analysis of the history, we can see the importance of agriculture and how big an impact it has on the world and its economic development, this can be closely related to the importance of rice, as it is the leading consumption grain, a leading staple food of the world being produced. With Food Security being the main focus of global world crisis, we see the importance of sustainable food production and further the importance of hybrid rice technology that solves this imminent global crisis which is caused by the technologies based from Green Revolution – heavy use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides for to produce high yield crops.

3. Current Situation

Rice is a major food staple and a mainstay for the rural population and their food security. Rice is also a wage commodity for workers in the cash crop or non-agricultural sectors. Rice is vital for the nutrition of much of the population in Asia, as well as in Latin America and the Caribbean and in Africa; it is central to the food security of over half the world population. Developing countries account for 95% of the total rice production, including China and India who are responsible for nearly half.

One fifth of the world’s population, which is more than a billion people depend on rice cultivation for their livelihoods. Asia, where about 90% of rice is grown, has more than 200 million rice farms, most of which are smaller than 1 hectare. Rice-based farming is the main economic activity for hundreds of millions of rural poor in this region. In Africa, rice is the fastest growing staple. This increase in the demand for rice is also true for Latin America and Caribbean countries. In most of the developing world, rice is equated with food security and closely connected to political security. Changes in rice availability, and hence price, have caused social unrest in several countries. The challenge, above anything else, is to produce this additional rice with less land, less water, and less labor, in more efficient, environmentally-friendly production systems that are more resilient to climate change, among other factors.

Rice is an important grain, it is the number one crop produced for human consumption, and this important grain attributes to more than one fifth of the calories consumed worldwide. With risk of decrease in food security being the driver behind Green revolution. Green Revolution based on the introduction of high yielding seeds from and increased use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, these have played a huge role in rice production but the revolution comes with great cost and problems. Problem like environmental, health issues which leads back to food security. Therefore, these are the drivers for sustainable rice production.

With the pressing problems after the 1960s Green Revolution, sustainable agriculture has been a focus and the way forward to alleviate them. With the use of hybrid rice has ever since been the focus but there are still limitations to them. Hence, this section of the paper first looks into the benefits then the limitations of current technology, which might be the driving factor that calls for better technology of hybrid rice.

Problems from Green Revolution

The technologies that spurred the Green Revolution which saved millions from the threat of famine was diminished, due to the problems which arises from the heavy use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. These problems indirectly threaten the food security of the world. Therefore, this section of the paper will look into how these factors impact food security.

Environmental Factor

Greenhouse Gas leads to Global Warming
Rice cultivation on wetland rice fields is thought to be responsible for 1.5% of the anthropogenic methane emissions. Methane is twenty times more potent a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. 

Global Warming leads to fall in Yield, which threaten Food Security
A 2010 study found that, as a result of rising temperatures and decreasing solar radiation during the later years of the 20th century, the rice yield growth rate has decreased in many parts of Asia, compared to what would have been observed had the temperature and solar radiation trends not occurred. The yield growth rate had fallen 10–20% at some locations. The study was based on records from 227 farms in Thailand, Vietnam, Nepal, India, China, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.

Degradation of Soil
Green Revolution relies heavily on synthetic fertilizers, which made land become hard and carbon material has gone down, making the soil infertile, thus this will lead to a decrease in food security.

Long Term Dependence on Pesticides
Rice pests are any organisms with the potential to reduce the yield or value of the rice crop. Though pesticides are use to eliminate rice pests to increase rice-yields. In the long run, heavy dependence on pesticides resulted in a consequence, which have made pests resistant to the pesticides and this leads to a rise in pest infestation, which results in a reduction in rice yield, and thus threatens food security. This shows that there is a need to produce a strain that does not need pesticides.

Health Factor
In addition with the, heavy use of chemical pesticides, it also affects human health. The direct and indirect consumption of the pesticides may increase the likelihood of cancer in some of the rural villages using them, where poor farming practices including non-compliance to usage of masks and over-usage of the chemicals compound in this situation.

Economic Factor

As the UN Millennium Development project seeks to spread global economic development to Africa, the "Green Revolution" is cited as the model for economic development. With the intent of replicating the successful Asian boom in agronomic productivity, groups are doing research on African agricultural systems, hoping to increase productivity. As, the methods of Green Revolution do not improve the food security of poor developing countries where conditions are harsh and arable land is scarce with populations expanding.

Need for Hybrid Rice Technology

Again, rice is the most economically important crop in the world according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations database. Rice is the number one cereal crop in the human diet, supplying human with 23% of its calories.

With the problems from Green Revolution, which are the driving factors to look into a better technology for sustainable rice production. Research on hybrid rice began and it was identified be a solution to alleviate the problems surfaced. Hence, in 1974, the first hybrid rice is being used in China and was spread globally and it has continuously been improved. But, there are still limitations even with relentless improvements. So in this part, we look into what are the limitations of current hybrid rice technology.

Limitations to Current Hybrid Rice Technology

Although there are benefits, there are also limitations like it does not solve the economic problem of developing countries and rice being mostly consumed in Asia, where most of the developing countries are such as China and India and the results from the degradation in soil quality has led to scarcity in arable land in these regions. Further, rice is an increasing staple food in Africa where it has harsh growing condition and lack of arable land, current hybrid rice are unable to alleviate this problem of scarce arable land. Therefore, a better rice or ‘Super Rice’ strain is needed to support these problems. As we learnt that China is forecasted as the future superpower and Africa being projected as the emerging market, it is important to look into better rice strains that could ensure food security in both regions as food security determines economic development.

Infertile Soil
Utilizing the infertile soil is still a challenge as most of the land used for agriculture are infertile due to heavy use of fertilizers, and even though current hybrid rice save land, its approach is saving land through seeds that could yield more in small land area thus saving land, but it still does not eliminate the use of fertilizers which could lead to even more infertile soil, hence this still does not alleviate the current problem of using fertilizers and eventually solving the long term problem of large amount of unusable large infertile soil. Therefore this could lead back to an economic problem and food security problem.

Need for Pesticides
Pesticides health issues, current technology still requires the need to use pesticides, which are harmful to health of people. In 1989, WHO and UNEP estimated that there were around 1 million human pesticide poisonings annually.

4. Future Considerations

Acceleration of sustainable rice production technology could indicate an age of revolutionary change. With the focus shifting to hybrid rice and ongoing research for better hybrid rice, we might see a 2nd Green Revolution which is only based on hybrid rice. We can see this from numerous research that concentrate on hybridizing the best rice strains for sustainable rice production.

The Need for A Revolutionary Hybrid Rice Technology

As the UN Millennium Development project seeks to spread global economic development to Africa, the "Green Revolution" is cited as the model for economic development. With the intent of replicating the successful Asian boom in agronomic productivity, groups are doing research on African agricultural systems, hoping to increase productivity where these rice are selected to tolerate the harsh growing conditions of African agriculture, that will dramatically increase rice yield in Africa and enable an economic resurgence. Ongoing research in China to develop perennial rice could result in enhanced sustainability and food security. Therefore in the next part of this paper, we will look into the ‘Green Super Rice’, which is a breakthrough in hybrid rice research, that could result in enhanced sustainability and food security for both Asia and Africa, through the elimination of the limitations of current hybrid rice.

This section of the paper examines the ‘Green Super Rice’ that is an evolution to current hybrid rice and could be revolutionary as it looks to deal with environmental stresses caused by current technologies of agriculture. This paper will look into the advantages and disadvantages and assess the impacts that could arise in the future if the ‘Green Super Rice’ is to replace current hybrid rice on a global scale and become the future of our staple food.

Advantages of ‘Green Super Rice’

This ‘Super Rice’ does not depend on fertilizers, as it could be cultivated in infertile lands caused by current practices also in scarce arable lands in Africa. Hence, this leads to sustainability in rice production without the cost of environment also leading to economic development in the rural regions as it could provide jobs for them

Additionally the ‘Green Super Rice’, is drought resistance. Rice depends heavily on water to grow. As, global warming is a huge factor in climate change, which brings about drought in this large rice production area such as China, and therefore drought stress is still identified as the single most important constraint in rice production.

Also, the ‘Green Super Rice’ has a resistance to insects and diseases, which leads to zero pesticide application.  Hence this have a positive impact on health of the people and likewise important the risk of food security problem from the loss of rice due to pest infestation and diseases.

Lastly, the ‘Green Super Rice’ is high in quality compared to current hybrid rice. Historically, many breeding programs took yield potential as the primary target. Consequently, many popular high-yielding hybrids have relatively poor quality. With the increased living standard, the improvement in cooking, eating, and appearance quality of the rice grain has become a priority. Additionally, more than half of the world's population, mostly the poor in developing countries such as in the Africa, suffers from the devastating consequences of micronutrient malnutrition. For areas in those countries where rice is the major staple food, there is also a need for improving the nutritional quality of the rice grains to enhance the intake of micronutrients.

Hence, emphasizing on the environmental problems, which leads back to the problem on food security and economic problem. The ‘Green Super Rice’ eliminates the all the problems, which continually lead to food security and economic problem, as it emphasizes not only on being a high-yielding rice strain but also taking into account the long-term problem that is actually cost by the environment.

Consideration on the Disadvantage

Being a genetically modified product, it is still hard for some people to accept this because of long-term health issues.

5. Conclusion

In summary, we see the importance of agriculture and the impact it has on the revolution of the earth. As rice, being the leading consumer grain, which also is a staple food for more than half of the global population and with population increasing and concerns of food security still arising even after Green Revolution. This signals a problem with the method based from Green Revolution, therefore the focus is being shift from high use of pesticide and fertilizers to produce high yielding crops to researching on hybrid rice, though the hybrid rice technology solves some of the problems, it still has limitations which still indirectly leads to food insecurity and economic problem. Therefore, the ‘Green Super Rice’ is produced and looks to spread on a large scale. Though it eliminates the indirect effect of environment and health and eventually solving food security and economic issues in the long run. The idea that this is a type of GMO food will still be hard for people to accept and might pose a huge challenge to be developed into large scale.

6. References

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[1] Peer reviewers: Thian Wen Li and Benedict Leong Kwok Yuen